Is your robot running?.. Then you better go catch it.
One middle school robotics team is going to need a bigger trophy cabinet pretty soon.
On Nov. 13, students from the Pembroke Pines Charter Middle School West Campus robotics team competed in the Second Annual Junior Orange Bowl Vex IQ Tournament in Miami Springs.
Fifty teams from throughout South Florida attended the daylong event. The Pembroke Pines Charter Middle School team won the Skills Champion Award during the first half of the day's Skills Challenge. The students also split into four teams for the Teamwork Challenge, where one of the school's groups, Mechanical Madness, placed first overall.
Pembroke Pines Charter Middle School West Campus
Robotics Team
Trophy Cabinet Needs A Room!
Pembroke Pines, FL… November 13, 2017… Fifty South Florida Robotics Teams including four from the City of Pembroke Pines Charter Middle School West Robotics Club participated in the Second Annual Junior Orange Bowl Vex IQ Tournament, held in at the Miami Springs Recreation Center in Miami Springs, Florida.
School Year Ends On A VEX World Wide High!
Pembroke Pines Charter Middle School - West Robotics Club
7th and 8th graders Achieve Outstanding Results at the
2017 VEX Robotics World Championship
Pembroke Pines, FL… May 11, 2017… The Pembroke Pines Charter Middle School - West Campus Robotics Team returned home from their first invitation to the 2017 VEX Robotics World Championship in Louisville, Kentucky with impressive World and State of Florida rankings. The West Campus Robotics Team was among 1,400 teams representing 30 nations, all of whom worked diligently and competed at competitions for the past year hoping to earn a coveted spot at VEX World. Prior to beginning a grueling week of matches at the Kentucky Exposition Center, the students participated in an Opening Ceremony and the Parade of Nations, which concluded with the Finals and a Closing Award Ceremonies.